Securing the Software Supply CHAIN, Not Just the Links

When:  Jul 21, 2023 from 12:00 to 13:00 (ET)
Associated with  Atlanta Chapter

Software supply chain security is continuing to be a hot topic of discussions for any organization that purchases 3rd party software or develops applications/software. The problem is that, depending on who you talk to, the definition and approach to software supply chain security differs. 

The most common approaches to address software supply chain security is to look at specific areas of architecture, development or DevOps tooling. These areas are important but are only links in the greater software security supply chain problem.

In this webinar, Matt will cover:

- All of the the "links" that make up the software supply chain 

- The implications if the entire software supply chain is not secure 

- What tech stack or tools are needed to ensure the entire supply chain is secured

- How the latest requirements/recommendations from the industry (EO, NIST, CISA) will impact software supply chain security