In the framework of our capacity building activities for our membership, we are organising the event ‘’How to show your technical skills and knowledge in PRIVACY solution’’ on the 23/02/2022, taking place online.
This event will give you the opportunity to learn more about ISACA Belgium chapter, while learning from the president of ISACA Belgium himself about how you can show your technical skills and what are the skills and knowledge needed and in privacy solutions.
Main speaker: Egide Nzabonimana CISM, CDPSE, COBIT, President & Director of Academic Relations at ISACA BE
Short bio: Egide Nzabonimana is the current President of the Belgian chapter of ISACA. Having over a decade of experience as well as a Master’s degree in Information Risks and Cybersecurity from Solvay Business School, Egide is well versed in various areas of cybersecurity. As a cybersecurity consultant, he helps businesses to identify potential weaknesses and blind spots, so they can make their IT systems more secure and more resilient – not just through technological solutions, but also by taking into account the one element that is often overlooked: HUMAN.
We invite you to register by completing the registration form until February 22.
For any additional questions please send an email to or reach us via our social media.
Disclaimer: ISACA Belgium reserves the right to cancel, reschedule or change the format of events in case of insufficient registrations, or if presenters cannot attend due to unforeseen circumstances.