Please join us for the August monthly meeting of the Central Arkansas ISACA Chapter.
Admission: FREE for members!
This month’s meeting is Tuesday, August 13, 2024, and will be a Zoom-only meeting. Kylie McClanahan will be speaking on the topic “Cybersecurity in industrial control systems”. The August newsletter inadvertently had the meeting as the 11th. The Zoom link, repeated below, is correct.
Zoom Meeting Information and Link
Topic: Central Arkansas ISACA Chapter Meeting - August
Time: Aug 13, 2024 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 2845 1885
Passcode: 792155
One tap mobile
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+13092053325,,89428451885#,,,,*792155# US
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Difficulty Joining the Zoom Meeting
If you are having difficulty joining the meeting, such as being terminated by the meeting administrator, you can contact call or text Sharon Keeling at 501-849-4069, or Kevin Perry at 501-350-8522. Please do not email as this email address is not regularly monitored.
If you misplaced or did not receive the meeting announcement, please log in directly to the ISACA Central Arkansas Chapter home page on the ISACA website. From there click on the “Calendar of Events” drop-down menu item, followed by “Our Chapter Events” to see the meeting announcement including the Zoom meeting link.