Please join us for the September monthly meeting of the Central Arkansas ISACA Chapter.
Admission: FREE for members!
Time: Sept. 10, 2024 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Speaker: Tim Spainhour
Topic: Privacy Landscape and AI
Tim currently serves as a Sr. Compliance Counsel on the Privacy team at Acxiom LLC. Tim joined Acxiom in April 1998 after over three years of private practice in insurance defense litigation with the firm of Anderson, Murphy and Hopkins in Little Rock, Arkansas. Tim’s practice at Acxiom began in the contract drafting and negotiation area and has evolved to a focus on the issues facing Acxiom Corporation and its clients concerning the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, HIPAA and, most recently, the numerous state privacy laws. As chair of Acxiom’s Privacy Impact Assessment program, Tim assists both the internal Acxiom product and account teams and Acxiom’s clients in designing products and processes that address business needs in a compliant manner.
Tim has been a panelist representing the role of the data processor in many contexts including the House Financial Services Subcommittee, the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, the Practicing Law Institute and the National Association of Attorneys General.
A native of Arkansas, Tim attended law school at New York Law School in New York, NY, and completed his law degree at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock School of Law in 1994.
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