April 2020 Central Arkansas Chapter Meeting

When:  Apr 14, 2020 from 11:00 to 12:00 (CT)
Associated with  Central Arkansas Chapter

Please join us for the April monthly meeting of the Central Arkansas ISACA Chapter.
Admission: FREE for members!

Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Time: 11:00am Central Time (US and Canada)

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Incident Response

Jeff Spann

Jeff Spann has over thirty years of experience working in the technology field, including technology service, technology sales, solution development, auditing, and consulting. He has also served as the Chief Information Officer / Information Security Officer for ten years with a financial institution. Jeff is a certified IS Auditor (CISA) and a Certified Banking Security Manager (CBSM). He serves as a Senior Vice President/Information Security Consultant/Regional Director with SBS CyberSecurity, LLC., a company leading information security consulting for thousands of organizations across the United States and abroad. SBS CyberSecurity empowers clients to make more informed security decisions and trust the safety of their data.

Meeting Information:
The ISACA Central Arkansas Chapter will be conducting its monthly meetings by Webinar, using Zoom, for the foreseeable future.  All attendees will need a Zoom account in order to participate in the meeting.

If you already have a Zoom account, you can use that account to attend the monthly chapter meeting.  If your Zoom account is set up using the same email address that your ISACA membership is registered with, you are all set.  If the two email addresses are not the same, please send an email to ISACA.LR.Coordinator@gmail.com with your first and last name, the email address associated with your ISACA membership, and the email address associated with your Zoom account.  We will use that information to cross reference the two accounts to ensure you receive CPE credit for attending the meeting.

If you do not already have a Zoom account, you can register for a free basic account by visiting the following URL:  https://zoom.us/ .  Click on the “SIGN UP, IT’S FREE” link and complete your registration.  If possible, please sign up for your Zoom account using the email address associated with your ISACA membership.  If you cannot, then please send an email to ISACA.LR.Coordinator@gmail.com with your first and last name, the email address associated with your ISACA membership, and the email address associated with your Zoom account.

Creating the Zoom account will attempt to install the Zoom application on your PC.  If you are using a company-provided PC or network, you may need to perform additional steps to allow the installation and use of Zoom.  You should test your Zoom account by visiting the URL https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115002262083-Joining-a-test-meeting and following the instructions.  If you experience problems installing or using Zoom, please seek assistance from your company IT support staff.

Please complete the registration and verification process by April 8, 2020.  Our next chapter meeting is scheduled for April 14, 2020, starting at 11:30 AM as usual.  In addition to registering for the meeting through the ISACA events page, you will receive an email asking you to register for the Zoom meeting.  When you register for the Zoom meeting, please register using your first and last name, preferably the same as you are registered with ISACA.  As we have several members with the same first initial and last name, please do not use initials or nicknames when registering for the Zoom meeting.

We hope to see you online.


Online Instructions:
Url: http://zoom.us/meeting/register/v5ckceqorDMrWE8nldhrfVb9ry5aZ0E8-A
Login: If you do not already have a Zoom account, you can register for a free basic account by visiting the following URL:  https://zoom.us/ .  Click on the “SIGN UP, IT’S FREE” link and complete your registration.  If possible, please sign up for your Zoom account using the email address associated with your ISACA membership.

Pricing Information

Registration Price
All Registrants $0.00
Event Image


For questions or to report trouble registering, please contact us at the email below.
