Medlemsmøde 18. november: "Data Protection Purpose and Strategy"

When:  Nov 18, 2020 from 09:00 to 10:00 (DK)
Associated with  Denmark Chapter
ISACA inviterer til endnu et medlemsmøde afholdt som webinar:

Join Tim Clements on this webinar where you’ll learn how to develop a Data Protection Purpose and Strategy that is aligned with the key data-driven elements of your company’s business strategy.

Without a Data Protection Purpose and Strategy in these uncertain times, you are at risk of mis-aligning your activities with the re-prioritization and adjustments others in your company are making.

If you wait too long, or keep your head down under the corporate radar, you risk your data protection activities being down-prioritized even more.

You need to act upon the uncertainty instead of allowing it to act upon you.

You need to develop a Data Protection Purpose and Strategy aligned with the key data-driven elements of your company’s business strategy.

You will then be able to show that data protection is not just a legal burden and candidate for cost-cutting in these uncertain times, it’s an enabler for the execution of your company’s data-driven growth strategy.

Using a proven, step-by-step approach, making use of a virtual canvas enabling collaboration across time zones, I help global data protection leaders develop their strategies aligned with relevant business strategy elements.

Following this webinar, you’ll have the clarity and confidence you need for developing a Data Protection Purpose and Strategy for your company and an understanding of the steps you’ll need to go through and the colleagues you’ll need to involve.

Praktisk information:
Tidspunkt: 18. november kl. 9-10
Lokation: Online via Microsoft Teams, link sendes til tilmeldte dagen før mødet
Tilmelding: Til Jesper Parsberg Madsen via email til
CPE: 1