Konference 10. november: Nordic IT Security Live TV Broadcast

When:  Nov 10, 2020 from 08:30 to 17:30 (DK)
Associated with  Denmark Chapter
100 gratis billetter til ISACA medlemmer til denne konference og derefter 50% rabat

Nordic IT Security har tilbudt 100 gratis billetter til deres Live TV Broadcast d. 10. november til medlemmer af ISACA i Danmark og 50% rabat til tilmeldte ud over de 100. Så check programmet på nordicitsecurity.com og tilmeld dig med det samme hvis du ønsker at deltage - de gratis billetter er på first-come-first-served basis. 

The Live TV Broadcast of Scandinavia’s largest cyber security event

NITS Live TV Broadcast was created to offer a unique and much needed opportunity, sidestepping postponed physical events and travel restrictions to provide a platform for the cybersecurity industry to connect and share knowledge. It features the most comprehensive agenda ever seen for an online event, with leading industry executives outlining their vision and sharing valuable business insights at a time when we most need them. 

Our mission is to engage, support and inspire the business community digitally during the pandemic and go through this situation hand in hand. The social debate must not stop. The conversation between business and politicians must continue.

Praktisk information:
Tidspunkt: 10. november 
Lokation: Online
Pris: Normalt 69€, men ved benyttelse af koden ISACA100 er det gratis for de første 100 tilmeldte og derefter gives der 50% rabat
Tilmelding: Via Nordic IT Securitys hjemmeside - benyt koden ISACA100
Yderligere information: www.nordicitsecurity.com
Event Image