ISACA CommunITy Day offers an opportunity to celebrate our purpose as digital trust professionals by enabling the positive potential of people. When ISACA Members, staff, families and friends spend a few hours one day a year giving back to their local communities, we can truly change the world!
Connect with your chapter members to see if they are hosting local events. Or, gather your family and friends and do some community service to help your neighbors and improve your community.
Register in advance or choose your own activity. Be sure to log your hours when you are done volunteering on 5 October 2024 to be counted toward our global impact.
Post photos on social media and use #ISACACommunITyDay to follow the activities of ISACA Members around the world!
#NorthAmerica #Africa #Asia #Europe #India #LatinAmerica #Oceania
#Virtual #InPerson #Hybrid