2022 Scam Alert! How to Avoid Online Scams and Fraud - 1.0 CPE

When:  Mar 1, 2022 from 12:00 to 13:00 (CT)
Associated with  Greater Kansas City Chapter
Whether it's through email, text, phone calls or direct messages, scams seem to be everywhere on the internet. Not all scams are obvious and many specifically target small business owners. Learn how to recognize a scam, protect your business and know what to do if you become a victim of a scam.


Mitchel Chang, Senior Vice President, Trend Micro

Jorij Abraham, General Manager, Global Anti-Scam Alliance and Managing Director, ScamAdviser.com

Stephen Dougherty, Forensic Financial Analyst, U.S. Secret Service



Online Instructions:
Url: http://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yWUT8DowS1Kq0UZr_OoIPg
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