Seminar – Introduction to Auditing with PowerShell

Starts:  Nov 30, 2023 08:30 (ET)
Ends:  Dec 1, 2023 16:00 (ET)

The GWDC is presenting a two-day hands-on virtual class is designed for students who want to learn how to use PowerShell® in performing audits or data analysis projects.  On Day 1, students will learn the basics of PowerShell, including commands to import, view, summarize, and export data.  Students will also be taught how PowerShell can be used to obtain data from Windows Event Logs, Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, and other data sources.  On Day 2, will learn how to handle data imported into PowerShell as well as an overview of scripting commands and concepts.  Throughout the course, students will have the opportunity to use commands presented during the course through hands-on exercises.


Online Instructions:
Login: The instructor will provide the zoom link and other course details prior to the seminar.
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