Hyderabad Chapter of ISACA
Notice calling for Nominations for Elections 2024
The Members of Hyderabad Chapter of ISACA.
We, the members of the Nomination Committee of Hyderabad Chapter of ISACA, received a mail today, i.e., on 30-11-2024 from the Secretary of the Chapter informing that –
(i) the following 2 members of the Board are retiring this year:
a. Dinesh Das
b. Raj Pawar
(ii) ISACA Hyderabad Chapter is planning to conduct election for electing two members on 14th December, 2024 (Saturday),
(iii) the Board of the ISACA Hyderabad Chapter passed a resolution in the first Board meeting conducted on 16th December, 2023 constituting the Nomination Committee consisting of the undersigned, viz., S/Shri –
Ø PVLN Sharma (, and
Ø KRKVNS Radha Krishna Rao (
2. In view of the Board’s resolution to conduct elections on 14th December, 2024, we the Nomination Committee, will conduct elections to the two posts of the Board of Hyderabad Chapter of ISACA on 14th December, 2024.
3. As per clause 12 of the Byelaws of the Chapter,
Ø The nomination process and the election shall be conducted by the Nomination Committee,
Ø Chapter Board members will be elected either by electronic Voting, Secret Ballot or by a voice vote or unopposed, as may be decided by the Nomination Committee in the Election Rules, and
Ø Nomination Committee shall receive nominations from candidates, for elections in the Annual General Meeting.
4. The Nomination Committee as appointed by the Chapter Board will oversee the conduct of the election to the Board of the Chapter. Nomination Committee members will not be eligible to nominate themselves to the Board.
5. The members elected to the Board of the Hyderabad Chapter of ISACA at the ensuing Annual General Meeting will be entrusted with the task of providing leadership to the Hyderabad Chapter of ISACA and promote the Association, its aims and objects, as stated in the ISACA and Hyderabad Chapter byelaws.
6. You can nominate yourself to the position of Board member of the Chapter. Your tenure in the Board will be as per Clause (8) of the Chapter Bye Laws. As per Clause (8) of the Bye Laws, each Board Member shall have tenure of 3 years and 2 Board Members shall retire by Rotation every year. It further mandates that at the first election, all six directors shall be elected at once and their term shall be staggered by draw of lots specifying different terms. The designations of the Board Members, viz., President, Vice-President, etc., shall be decided by the Board Members in the first Board Meeting after the election.
7. The Nomination Form is attached to this mail and the same may be used for filing nomination to the post of the Board of the Chapter. The last date for filing nominations to the post of the Board of the Chapter is the 9th December, 2024 to be submitted at the Chapter office at 103, Sureka Chambers, Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500 016. The nominations may also be submitted through email to either of the Nomination Committee Members at their email ids given above.
8. After the last date for filing nominations, the nominations will be scrutinized and a list of eligible contestants to the Board of the Chapter will be made. This list will be mailed to all the eligible contestants, and they will have 2 days’ time to withdraw in case they wish to do so, i.e., by 5.00 pm on 11th December, 2024.
9. In case more than two eligible nominations are received for the Board of the Chapter, election will be held through secret ballot at the AGM, to be held on 14th December, 2024. Final list of contestants will be mailed to all the Members and will also be placed on the website of the Chapter.
10. We are also attaching herewith the Conflict of Interest / Disclosure Statement which you are required to read, sign and send it along with your nomination form to the position of Board member of the Chapter. Nomination Forms without the signed Conflict of Interest / Disclosure Statement will not be accepted.
11. Your profile as filled out in the Nomination Form will be circulated to all the members along with the profiles of other contesting candidates to enable them to make an informed choice. The Nomination Committee may edit individual profiles as they deem fit before circulation.
12. You are required to send either a scanned copy of the signed Nomination Form through the email ID registered with the Association to either of the Nomination Committee Members as stated above or personally hand over or send by post your completed Nomination Form along with the Conflict of Interest / Disclosure Statement in a sealed cover to the Nomination Committee so as to reach either of the Nomination Committee members or the Chapter Office at the address give below, before 5 P.M., on 9th December, 2024:
Nomination Committee, Hyderabad Chapter of ISACA,
103, Surekha Chambers, Opp: Vijay Textiles/VIP Lounge,
Ameerpet. Hyderabad-500 016.
13. The Forms can be submitted on any working day between 11 A.M. and 5 P.M. at the address mentioned above, before the said last date.
14. You may note that ISACA Hyderabad Chapter or the Nomination Committee will not be responsible for delays or loss of Nomination Forms in transit.
15. You may further note that the Nominations with incomplete information will not be considered for election and will be liable for rejection. Decision of the Nomination Committee in this regard shall be final and binding on the Candidates.
16. Only members of the Chapter as on the date of this notice can nominate themselves for the Board. The List of Members shall be as provided by ISACA International.
17. The elections will be held immediately after the AGM, in accordance with the Bye Laws of the Hyderabad Chapter and the Societies Registration Act, 2001. The Venue will be the same as that of the AGM.
18. As per clause 7(b) of the Bye Laws of the Hyderabad Chapter of Information Systems Audit and Control Association, the Rules for conduct of Elections will be framed by the Nomination Committee and shall be approved by the Board before conduct of elections.
19. In case any clarification is required, you may get in touch with the Nomination Committee members at the email addresses given above.
Nomination_Form_2024.doc Conflict_of_Interest_and_Disclosure_Statement.pdf
PVLN Sarma and KRKVNS Radha Krishna Rao
Nomination Committee Members
Hyderabad Chapter of ISACA
Dated: November 30, 2024.