Last time we visited Letterkenny we looked at exponential changes to the landscape of Cyber, Risk, and Audit. What exponential changes to the landscape of Cyber, Risk, and Audit will happen by 2030. Anybody know any brave futurologists? Join us at our one day conference in Letterkenny.
In October 2020 the Chapters Risk Management Special Interest Group presented at the Chapter yearly Conference with their predictions for the future in terms of Technology, People and Processes. This was then staged for what was the next, 1, 3, 5 and 10 years could hold. Were we even close? We will go over again what we predicted for 2021, 2023, 2025 and 2034 and you can decide how we fared. Not well I fear.
So what could the next ten years look like and what decisions have to be made now to at least get us pointing in the right direction. If its your future , what education skills and knowledge will be relevant in 2034? And to get there, what vehicle, speed and altitude will optimise the journey?
We have a broad range of speakers who will give their future predictions on this continuously changing landscape. Will AI be our master or servant.? Will Quantum Computing be on your desktop (or other wearable devices) . Will health monitoring be a continuous feed to Dr 'Google' Why didn't I do a Degree in Neuromorphic quantum computing?
A lot of questions and maybe, just maybe, we might have a few answers.
08:00 Registration Foyer Tea, Coffee, scones
09.00 Opening Comments
Content - Speakers to be announced
16:30 Wrapup - Spot Prizes
17:00 Conference Closes