AI Masterclasses with Peter Hill - Session 1

When:  Dec 6, 2024 from 13:00 to 14:00 (IE)
Associated with  Ireland Chapter

The Chapter is delighted to offer two AI Sessions on 6th & 13th Dec as lunchtime learning sessions.  These will be delivered by Peter Hill, a long time member of ISACA and previous speaker at a number of ISACA events.

Session 1 Friday 6th Dec will cover:

The EU AI Act has significant implications for data protection and fundamental rights. Key issues will be highlighted in this session.

Data Protection

  1. Enhanced Transparency:
  2. Data Quality:
  3. Risk Management:
  4. Data Protection Impact Assessments:

Fundamental Rights

  1. Human-Centric AI:
  2. Fundamental Rights Impact Assessments (FRIAs):
  3. Accountability and Compliance:

Overall, the EU AI Act aims to create a balanced framework that fosters innovation while safeguarding data protection and fundamental rights.


Dial-in Instructions: