The role of National Cyber security, bolstering or replacing the cyber militia?

When:  May 28, 2019 from 18:00 to 20:00 (UTC)
Associated with  Ireland Chapter

The role of National Cyber security, bolstering or replacing the cyber militia?

Digital dependency and the evolution of cyber threats challenges most established commercial and societal models for business, citizens and the state. Organisations and citizen have effectively been a silent cyber militia defending themselves over the last 30 years. The scale and costs of cyber-crime and the potential for cyber activity to disrupt business, government and society is vast. This presentation looks at the current role played by the State in cyber security and looks to discuss what and how that role might need to evolve to help protect a 21st-century digital economy and society.


Pat Larkin is a CEO of Ward Solutions one of the largest indigenous Cyber Security companies in Ireland, with substantial management and technical expertise in successfully starting, building, funding and operating ICT services and product companies nationally and internationally. Pat is focused on helping organisations to protect their brand, people, assets, intellectual property, and profits in an increasingly hostile and challenging environment.

Pat Larkin and Ward Solutions are also the indigenous industry representative on the board of Cyber Ireland, which is an IDA funded economic cluster initiative, hosted at Cork Institute of Technology. The goal and role of Cyber Ireland is to bring together Industry, Academia and Government, to represent the needs of and the opportunities for the Cyber Security Eco-System in Ireland. Cyber Ireland aims to enhance the innovation, growth and competitiveness of the companies and organisations, which are part of the cluster.



Carmelite Community Centre
56 Aungier Street
Dublin 2


Paul Hare