[CPE] Executive Tips to Modernize Your Compliance Program

When:  Aug 27, 2020 from 10:00 to 11:15 (PT)
Associated with  Las Vegas Chapter
[The ISACA Las Vegas Chapter is sharing events that may be of interest to you from an educational and CPE perspective. This event is managed/hosted by a 3rd party]

Under the weight of new and changing regulations around the world, many organizations struggle to achieve compliance. They often lack a holistic view of their compliance profile and face increasing challenges due to digital transformation. Chief Compliance Officers who take a top-down approach are often met with resistance, but a successful program requires management to actively participate, not just sign off.  

Organizations can no longer afford to apply check-the-box approaches to compliance. Executive management must take a variety of actions to demonstrate leadership and commitment to the company’s compliance management program. On this webinar our panel of experts will discuss the current compliance landscape and challenges facing today's organizations, and they will address best practices to modernize your compliance program, including how to:

- Use a risk-based approach to meet regulatory demands.
- Employ digital transformation in the management of compliance obligations.
- Understand the impacts of regulatory changes and minimize resource-intensive manual processes.
- Get buy-in from other departments and create a working group of stakeholders to develop and improve your compliance program.


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