2024 ISACA Manila - CommunITy Day

When:  Oct 5, 2024 from 09:00 to 12:00 (SG)
Associated with  Manila Chapter
What: CSR Feeding Activity
Where: 4/F Barangay Hall, Brgy. Tandang Sora, 116, 1116 Mindanao Avenue, Quezon City
Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/wx956Jd1ftp65due9
When: October 5, 2024 | 9:00AM - 12:00NN
Assembly Time: 7:00 AM
For this year, the theme of ISACA Manila Chapter is Sharing Love To Make Our ‘Future’ Better. The ‘Future’ refers to children between ages of 5 - 10 years old. It targets less fortunate kids who we hope that by experiencing love from people they do not know, like us, will expose them to a more positive world for them to grow up in and mold them to be future leaders who can make that difference needed for a brighter future ahead for all of us.

We will be having a Jollibee feeding program for 100 kids. We will also be having games and presentations as part of the program. We have been coordinating with the CFC Handmaids of the Lord West C for this activity. The kids identified also attend Sunday Church school to enrich their faith, values, and morals. The activity also aims to help further strengthen the pillars being established by these Sunday Church schools.

There are parking spaces available but we have also coordinated with the local Barangay to arrange for additional parking spaces if needed.

Due to the logistical limitations, we are opening 20 slots for our Chapter members to join in this heart-warming activity on a first-come, first-served basis. For more details, Please contact our Secretariat at (02) 88942533,  +639260045004  or email us at staff@isaca-manila.org
This CSR Event is in cooperation with CFC Handmaids of the Lord and CFC ANCOP.


4/F Barangay Hall
Barangay tandang Sora
1116 Mindanao Avenue
Quezon City
Event Image


jaja Draculan