The PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a global standard that provides a baseline of operational technical requirements designated to protect payment data PCI DSS v 4 0 is the next evolution of the standard
PCI DSS v 4 0 replaces version 3 2 1 to address emerging threats and technologies and enable
innovative methods to combat new threats This version associates the protection of payment data with new controls to address sophisticated cyber attacks
What is new in PCI DSS v 4 0
• Meeting the security needs in PCI continuously
• Promoting security as a continuous process
• Adding flexibility and support of additional methodologies to achieve security
• Enhancing validation methods and procedures
Why PCI DSS v 4 0 is important?
• As threats change, New versions of security practices must evolve
• Ongoing security is crucial to protect the payment data always as criminals never sleep
• Increased flexibility allows more options to achieve a requirement’s objective and supports payment technology innovation
• To support transparency and granularity, must have clear validation and reporting options
Why CPSP v2.0?
The CPSP v 2 0 training will cover the entire payment ecosystem and the latest PCI DSS v 40 standard which will help participants in understanding the intent and objective of each PCI DSS v 4 0 requirement The CPSP v 2 0 training will also provide participants with a platform where they can understand a PCI QSA’s (Payment Card Industry Qualified Security Assessor) perspective of validating a PCI DSS v 4 0 requirement In the past few years, we have seen massive breaches at organizations such as Target and Equifax In many cases, these organizations were compliant with PCI DSS Yet, breaches happened, and, in most cases, the breach was notified to the impacted company by an outside agency Investments in complying with these standards are in
addition to technology investments made by companies in anti viruses, firewalls, security incidents, event management systems, etc The traditional checkbox approach to cybersecurity no longer works.
Objectives of the PCI DSS compliance program
- Building a framework for securing payment card data
- Guidance to professionals for protecting customer data
- Ensuring security and not just compliance
- Going beyond the traditional checklist based approach for security
- Taking a risk based approach to implementing security controls
- Winning end customer’s trusts.
Payment and registration will coursed through Network intelligence.