IoT Security Conformance

When:  Aug 25, 2022 from 12:30 to 13:30 (ET)
Associated with  Melbourne Chapter
Matt will cover IoT security conformance when implementing good security, safety, and privacy “by-design” principles.

Third party conformity assurance to internationally set standards, recommendations, guidelines, and codes via the IoT Security Trust Mark™ scheme. Covering the key tenets, reasoning, governance and alignment with IoT Security Baseline Requirements. Attendees will benefit from expert insights into third-party product security conformance and assurance along with an overview of the myriad of IoT Security standards and codes developed internationally.


Matt Tett is the Managing Director of Enex TestLab and is well known globally across industry and government.

Matt is an Advisor and SME for the global IoT Security Trust Mark™ (STM) Certification scheme. ( He is the founder of the national Day of The Month (DOTM) clubs, which currently has over 3600+ members across the information security industry. (

Enex TestLab’ objective is to use science to keep tech vendors checked by rigorously testing their product claims and ensuring consumer requirements are met factually. (, Enex is an independent ISO17025 accredited testing laboratory with a 30+ year history, RMIT university heritage, ISO 9001 QMS Quality, ISO 27001 ISMS Security and ISO 45001 OH&S certifications.

Matt is a board director of Communications Alliance ( He is the chair of IoT Alliance Australia (IoTAA) ( enabler Work Stream 3 (eWS-3) – Cyber Security and Network Resilience and sits on the IoTAA Executive Council.
