Deepfakes in Cybersecurity: Mitigating a Future Riddled with Impersonation, Defamation, Fabrication,

When:  Nov 13, 2020 from 11:30 to 13:00 (MT)
Associated with  New Mexico Chapter

Deepfakes in Cybersecurity:

Mitigating a Future Riddled with Impersonation, Defamation, Fabrication, and Extortion

November 13, 2020, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

One hour CPE - Free


Speaker: Tony UcedaVélez

CEO at VerSprite


The future of fiction is becoming more real thanks to evolutionary techniques like Deepfakes. Supported by cloud platforms, AI, ML, and advancements in digital equipment, manipulating individuals and societies with fabricated content has never been easier. Deepfakes will quickly evolve as a geo-political threat to governments, business, and societies. Undermining the future of impersonated characters and fabricated information will be important to preserve corporate/ government relationships and societal perceptions. In this talk, we’ll explore the status quo of Deepfakes efforts in cyberspace, case studies, impact and mitigation strategies for thwarting targeted and more generalized attack patterns.

Total attendees: 38
Board members present: 7
Members present: 16
Non-members present: 22
Speakers: 1
Sponsors present: 1



Online Instructions:


Gayle Shipp