A.I. Series: AI Governance

When:  Oct 12, 2024 from 09:00 to 17:00 (ET)
Associated with  New York Metropolitan Chapter
Artificial intelligence (AI) Series presents
AI Governance
Date:  October 12,  2024 9am to 5pm
Early  bird rate $295 member $345 non-member by September 12

Why this class?AI Governance - AI has become a board-level subject due to new risks and opportunities that are associated with recent developments. Since the board is accountable for risks, they need to know and learn, rapidly, before AI gets out of hand. AI definitely brings value, but there are associated known and unknown risks. Such risks could be related to privacy risks, bias, discrimination, misleading results, adverse effects on stakeholders, and many more. Such risks are mitigated by having proper roles and responsibilities, and participation by an interdisciplinary team of stakeholders from within and outside the organization who can look at value and risk from different angles. 

Course Description:

  1. Role of governance in governing AI – board level issue
  2. What value is created by AI
  3. What are the risks associated with the use of AI
  4. Types of risks
  5. How to balance value and risks
  6. How to comply with future regulations in different regions (EU, USA, etc) which are largely unknown
  7. Role of AI awareness and training to mitigate risks
  8. Preventive, detective, and corrective controls for AI risk management
  9. Including AI factors in AI strategy
  10. Governance- Role of internal audit
  11. Does board need separate AI strategy committee and AI steering committee 
  12. What should be in AI policy and which area writes it? Who are the reviewers?
  13. Human factor- ethics, algorithm bias, black box issues (in Neural Networks)
  14. Standards and procedures
CPEs: 7


Online Instructions:
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