Artificial intelligence (AI) Series presents
Auditing AI and Machine Learning
Date: October 20 9am to 5pm
The early bird rate $295 for member $345 for non-member by September 20
Course Description:
- Purpose of AI audit- value creation and risk management
- What is machine learning
- Potential impact of AI on the organization
- Subject, objective, and scope of AI audit
- Big Data and AI
- AI opportunities and risks
- AI competencies: Natural Language Processing, Application Program Interfaces (APIs) such as facial recognition, image analytics, and text analytics, algorithms and advanced modeling, probabilities and applied statistics, data analytics, software engineering, programming languages, Machine Learning, computer vision, robotics
- AI Auditing - strategy, governance, data architecture and infrastructure, data quality, AI performance
- AI Strategies: goals and objectives
- Governance- governing body and audit committee, regulators, senior management, 3 lines of defense, external audit role
- Architecture and data quality
- AI policies and standards
- Human factors: ethics, algorithm bias, black box issues (in Neural Networks)
CPEs 7