A.I. Series: Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

When:  Sep 5, 2024 from 09:00 to 12:00 (ET)
Associated with  New York Metropolitan Chapter
Artificial intelligence (AI) Series presents
Big Data on Artificial Intelligence Special
September 05 2024 9 am to 12 noon
Early bird rate member $125 non-member $150 by August 05, 2024  
Course Description:
  1. What is big data
  2. Emerging technologies of Big Data
  3. Five Vs of Big Data
  4. Structured and unstructured data
  5. Sources of data – not just organization’s
  6. Architectural stacks
  7. Interfaces, infrastructure, security architecture
  8. Operational data sources
  9. Data and tools
  10. Hadoop and others
  11. Analytical data warehouses and data marts
  12. Big data analytics
  13. Visualization
  14. Big data applications
  15. Machine generated data- unstructured
  16. Semi-structured data
  17. Cloud and big data
  18. Python, R, SAS, and SQL
CPEs: 3.5
Capacity: 16 people, webinar


Online Instructions:
Event Image