ISACA North Texas Chapter Nominations 2022-2023

Starts:  May 6, 2022 17:00 (CT)
Ends:  May 30, 2022 17:00 (CT)
Associated with  North Texas Chapter

Are you ready for a new adventure? 

Each year the Chapter solicits nominations of those individuals interested in serving as a chapter officer or appointed volunteer. The North Texas Chapter of ISACA Board of Directors is comprised of 10 officers and the three most recent past presidents. The officers are elected each year and work with the appointed volunteers to provide leadership for the chapter. These are dedicated volunteers who give of their time and energy to enhance and advance the technology assurance, risk management, security and IT governance professions and organize educational meetings and seminars for our membership. 

The officer positions are: President, Secretary, Treasurer, VP Programs, VP Education, VP Facilities, VP Communications, VP Membership, VP Academic Relations and VP Certification. 

The appointed volunteer positions are: Assistant Treasurer, Education Coordinator(s), Certification Coordinator(s), Academic Relations Coordinator(s), Program Coordinator(s), Reservations Coordinator(s), Newsletter Coordinator(s), Website Coordinator(s), Marketing Coordinator(s), Membership Coordinator(s), Chapter Photographer, Jobs Coordinator, CPE Compliance Coordinator and Volunteer Coordinator. 

We are looking for Chapter members who have an active interest in the overall success of our Chapter and have demonstrated leadership abilities in their current professional, chapter role(s) or other volunteer positions. If you are interested in serving as an officer or appointed volunteer for the 2022-2023 Chapter year (beginning July 1, 2022) please send an email to indicating your area(s) of interest and contact information. A nominations committee member will contact you to discuss your interest and experience.

2022-2023 Nominations Committee


ISACA North Texas Nominations