Our number one concern is the health and safety of our members, volunteers, sponsors, and supporting organizations. Due to the rapidly escalating health concerns relating to the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we’ve made the difficult decision to cancel the March 16th half day training event in Langhorne, PA and postpone all other ISACA Philadelphia events through the end of April. This includes the postponement of the ISACA Philadelphia CISA / CRISC review boot camps, which was scheduled to start on April 4th, and the ISACA Philadelphia Spring Training Week on April 27th-May 1st. We will be working with our certification review course instructors to reschedule the review courses, and with our sponsors and speakers to reschedule the ISACA Philadelphia Spring Conference. If you have already registered for an upcoming event, you will receive a separate communication with further instructions. We will continue to evaluate the status of future events and will send updates as needed.