Creative Thinking and Innovation Series - Workshop 4 FREE

When:  Mar 9, 2023 from 17:00 to 19:30 (UTC)
Associated with  Scottish Chapter

Workshop 4 of 5

This fourth of a series of interactive workshops aiming to put some focus on creative thinking and innovation.

Regardless of the roles we have as technologists; risk and controls professionals or IT auditors, routine, operational and business as usual (BAU) work can sometimes stall the creative thinking in our professional work.

This evening event aims to help get your creative juices flowing with Creative Thinking and Innovation Workshop, a fun-filled two hours practical session designed to encourage lateral / out of box thinking, to indulge our imagination and stretch our comfort zone. Expect lots of laughter, new ideas and discover your hidden creative side. Come along to join us on the adventure as well as network together in this ISACA Scotland event.

FREE and OPEN to NON-MEMBERS - Members will be given 2 CPE for attendance


17:00 Doors open for registration

17:30 Part 1 of the Workshop

18:20 Short break & refreshments

18:30 Part 2 of the Workshop (Time for q&a at the end)

19:30 Close

Workshop will be conducted by:

Mubbasher Khanzada, CEO - Welltime

We are grateful for the support provided by Morgan Stanley and ISACA Scotland for this evening event and are delighted to have Mubbasher Khanzada to conduct this workshop. Mubbasher is CEO of Welltime, a company that provides innovative and creative technology solutions globally. Mubbasher is also involved in various initiatives and ventures associated with Privacy, Risk and Control Solutions, Digital Forensics, Cybersecurity Auditing, Consulting and Training.


Morgan Stanley 122 Waterloo Street Glasgow G2 7DN
Morgan Stanley 122 Waterloo Street Glasgow G2 7DN
Glasgow, G2 7DN