June 2020 Webinar 3 (1 CPE) - The Gentle Art of Password Management

When:  Jun 18, 2020 from 18:00 to 19:00 (PT)
Associated with  Silicon Valley Chapter

Webinar: The Gentle Art of Password Management

Just behind exploiting social engineering vulnerabilities, defeating or stealing weak credentials is one of the easiest ways to break into an information system. From password rules and change policies, to application and Windows password storage techniques, vulnerabilities around credentials abound. Including examples from actual credential exploits, David and Josh form BPS’s infosec assessment team will  outline credential management issues, challenges, best practices, and future tools for identification and authentication.

6:00 - 6:05 - Welcome and Introduction

6:05 - 6:45 - Session: The Gentle Art of Password Management

6:45 - 6:55 - Q & A

6:55 - 7:00 – Wrap-up


David Trepp & Joshua Schmidt

Partner, IT Assurance &


Bio: A technology entrepreneur since 1989, David has led over 1,300 comprehensive information security penetration test engagements for satisfied customers across all major industries throughout the United States and abroad. He has given dozens of presentations to audiences nationwide, on a variety of information security topics. David, a US Army veteran, is founder and CEO of Info@Risk (now BPM), a leading comprehensive penetration test firm. David has worked in information security with banking, law enforcement, government, healthcare, utilities, and commercial organizations since 1998. When not at work testing security controls, David exercises his risk management skills as an avid rock climber and long-distance cyclist.


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