12th Annual WOW! Conference

When:  Mar 1, 2019 from 08:00 to 19:30 (ET)
Associated with  South Florida Chapter

2019_WOW.pngOur 12th annual WOW! event is the premier South Florida conference of the year that brings technology, audit, control and security professionals together with leading technology industry speakers for an informative and educational event.  
Embrace new insight and understanding of the cutting-edge technological developments reshaping the world of information systems and cybersecurity.

Speaker Lineup*

Keynote Speaker:  


  • Dr. Michael Owens, Business Information Security Officer at Equifax 
    • Topic: Equifax Post Breach- What Equifax has learned since the breach and how they are taking a new risk-based approach (instead of just compliance).
      • He'll share what Equifax has learned since the breach and how they are using aproactive, risk-based approach (beyond compliance requirements) and what they're doing to maintain a strong posture in their information security program today.
      • Dr. Michael Owens is a senior-level global business leader, entrepreneur, and information technology executive with over 20 years of experience within military, corporate and government organizations.
    • Bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelcowens/ 

Other Speakers:

  • Dr. Chanel Suggs, CEO and founder of Wyvern Security
    • Topic: Hacking social media
      • Dr. Suggs will demonstrate just how quickly your social media accounts can be weaponized against you and your organization. She will show and tell how these attacks are carried out and how you can better defend yourself.
      • In addition to her many certifications, Dr. Suggs holds a Doctor of Science in Cybersecurity, a Master in Project Management, a Master of Science in Information Assurance, a Master of Networking and Communications, an MBA and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. She was also awarded six certifications through the National Security Agency (NSA) and Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS).
    • Bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chanelsuggs/


  • Michael Echols, Former Cybersecurity Director at the Department of Homeland Security
    • Topic: Secure Cyber Life: The Government is Not Coming to Save You. 
      • Mike Echols will deliver a wake-up call to the private sector.  He will tell the disturbing facts about the national cyber threat environment, the federal government’s approach, and the gaps left for you to fill for your personal and organizational security.
      • As the point person for the rollout of President Obama's EO 13691, Mr. Echols developed a national program for Information Sharing and Analysis Organizations (ISAOs). Today Mr. Echols leads a global effort to harmonize cyber threat information sharing through the ISAOs network. Previously, Mr. Echols managed cyber resiliency programs for the Department of Homeland Security while assisting in the advancement of risk reduction.
    • Bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mechols/


  • Rosario Casas, Co-founder and CEO of VR Americas
    • Topic: Virtual and Augmented Reality: Changing Perspectives on Communication
      • Rosario will share how virtual, augmented, and mixed realities are expanding frontiers today and into the future. She'll also provide insight into how immersive technologies are being used to address acute shortages in the skilled workforce for cybersecurity and other technology professions.
      • In addition to her role as Cofounder & CEO of VR Americas, Rosario is a TEDx speaker and currently sits on the Rutgers Big Data & AI Advisory Board. She is also a women in tech advocate and NYC-based Colombian entrepreneur with over 7 years of hands-on experience in data and technology-driven platforms & C-suite roles.
  • Bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosario-b-casas-61106113/ 

  • Denny Di Ceseare, Director of Compliance at Memorial Healthcare System
    • Topic: Recovery from Breaches in a HIPAA environment 
      • Just a few months after becoming the Privacy Officer at MHS, Denise and a small team from the Compliance Office uncovered the inappropriate data access activity that ended up being the fifth largest breach of 2012 and cost $5.5 million dollars . Denise will share the many, many lessons learned during and afterwards so that you can benefit from her experience.
      • Denise has a Masters in Management of Information Systems, and is a Certified International Privacy Professional (CIPP), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) and Certified Compliance and Ethics Professional (CCEP).
    • Bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/denise-dicesare-cisa-cipp-ccep-44577511/

  • Panel Discussion

*Lineup is subject to change without notice.

MAP OF FIU's Biscayne Bay Campus


Kovens Conference Center
3000 NE 151st St
North Miami, FL 33181
Event Image
