Cyber Security Agility

When:  Nov 17, 2021 from 17:00 to 18:30 (SE)
Associated with  Sweden Chapter
Cybersecurity Agility The world is quickly changing - technically, the threat landscape is shifting, more teams & organizations is shifting to agile.

New requirement on infosec & cybersecurity. Security-wise we can´t continue to live in old paradigms - need to become quicker, more agile, involved & flexible also when it comes to security. A difficult task indeed.

How should we adapt practically to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow?

You are invited to an interactive session, where you are expected to give input. We will discuss challenges and a few principles & approaches that can help us to Cybersecurity Agile. The seminar is NOT a pure focus on agile development, rather how cybersecurity in itself can adapt for the new paradigms.

Martin Gustafsson, Senior Cyber Security Consultant and Business Strategist at Zacco


Online Instructions:


Isaca Sweden Chapter