Webinar: Decentralisation DeCoded - Ethics and Regulation of a Decentralised Economy

When:  Mar 4, 2022 from 12:00 to 13:00 (BO)
Associated with  Trinidad & Tobago Chapter

ISACA Trinidad and Tobago presents its first webinar session for 2022 as we practice safety in these COVID-19 times, and encourage you to continue following the health protocol guidelines.  

Decentralisation Decoded

Decentralised finance, or 'DeFi', is an emerging digital financial infrastructure that theoretically eliminates the need for a central bank or government agency to approve financial transactions. While DeFi expands the idea of digital money, financial freedom and other opportunities, it also poses new and existing risks that call for urgent legal and regulatory clarity in order to facilitate institutional adoption of decentralised infrastructure.

Join us in this 1 hour session where Mr. Brian Sanya Mondoh discusses the ethics and regulations surrounding the decentralization of an economy.


Attendance Cost


Facilitator Bio

Brian Sanya Mondoh

Brian is a Dual Qualified Barrister and Attorney at Law. He has a wide-ranging interest in legal disputes and has developed varied expertise in Civil and Commercial Litigation, International Trade and Government Procurement, Intellectual Property law with a focus on Confidential Information, Trademarks and Passing Off. He also advises lay clients and institutions (both regional and international) on the Ethics and Regulation of Blockchain and Crypto-assets.

Click here to find out more about Brian and his work.

CPE Hours

Earn 1 credit for attending this session.



Online Instructions:
Url: http://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcvdu6tpzwuG936Lral7Bdm092ajNkCR2ic
Login: Login instructions will be sent separately to the email used at registration using the link below.


ISACA T&T Chapter
