The Problems Humans Have With Assessing Risk

When:  May 14, 2020 from 12:00 to 13:00 (CT)
Associated with  Tulsa Chapter

Please join us for a FREE webinar session hosted by Tim Fawcett on May 14, 2020 at 12:00pm (CST)
Earn 1 CPE

The Problems Humans Have When Assessing Risk
Tim Fawcett, Director of Cybersecurity Consulting at Guernsey, will be discussing Cyber Risk Management using analogies, including post-WWI French military strategy. IT departments in today's organizations are tasked with many job functions, of which, cybersecurity is only one. IT professionals are trying to protect against new and expanding threats with few resources. Much like the French before WWII, who took a defensive posture using the most sophisticated technology of the day to compensate for the lack of available manpower, organizations today are relying heavily on technology to protect against cyber threats. Though not a perfect analogy, there are some interesting lessons related to understanding new threats and technology. We will also be discussing risk and controls as it relates to IT and other topics.

Tim has over 19 years of information assurance experience performing IT audits, risk assessments, and cyber threat and vulnerability analyses. Over his career, Tim has consulted for scores of companies from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. In seven years at Guernsey, Tim has provided cybersecurity consulting dozen of organizations. Tim is a Certified Information Security Professional, a Certified Information Systems Auditor, and a Payment Card Industry Professional Guernsey, formed in 1928 in Oklahoma City, provides a range of engineering, architectural, and consulting services.  The cybersecurity practice specializes in risk management, penetration testing, incident response, and computer forensics, and regulatory compliance. 


You are invited to a Zoom meeting.

When: May 14, 2020 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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1. Complete the sign-up form using the registration link provided 2. Use the "add to calendar" link to add the event to your calendar 3. The day of the meeting, use the "join the meeting" link provided in the confirmation email you will receive upon successful registration.


Devina Currie