New Zealand Economic Update - Presentation by Nick Tuffley ASB’s Chief Economist

When:  Nov 26, 2024 from 17:00 to 18:00 (NZST)
Associated with  Wellington Chapter

Thank you to Andrew Simpson, our South Island Vice President and Nick Tuffley for arranging this event.

New Zealand Economic Update

Presented by

Nick Tuffley

Chief Economist, ASB

Nick Tuffley was appointed as ASB’s Chief Economist in January 2007, having previously worked at Westpac and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand.  Nick studied at Canterbury University, graduating with a Master of Commerce in Economics. 

He and the rest of the Economics team provide regular analysis of economic developments and the outlook through written publications and media comments.  Their key objective is to help the bank’s clients make better-informed business and personal finance decisions.  The Economics team has won 4 Consensus Economics Forecast Accuracy Awards for their NZ forecasts.



Online Instructions:
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Pricing Information

Registration Price
All Registrants $0.00