Dec 13, 2023 CPE Event - Betrayed by Their Browsers: How Security Teams are Failing to Protect Users

When:  Dec 13, 2023 from 12:00 to 13:00 (MT)
Associated with  Boise Chapter
While there is significant time and investments made by the CISO and Privacy offices to assure that user data is not leaked from the network, users’ data- often their most sensitive- is being leaked to third-parties by the myriad of analytics tools that are added to web applications even after they have passed their security testing and privacy impact assessments, thus creating a blind spot for those who are actually responsible for security and privacy.  
This talk will provide information to privacy and security professionals on how to identify third-party tracking code that has been added to their applications, how to assess the severity of the issue, and how to articulate the problem to their leadership.  
Learn to identify and address the third-party tracking technology being added to your organization’s web applications by marketing, sales, IT and user-experience departments that you are frequently unaware of. 
SPEAKERS: Mike Landeck
Mike Landeck led the security implementation and then operationalized two of the Country’s largest cloud-based healthcare IT projects. Mike has been responsible for the overall security of systems with financial transactions of over $4 billion per month, as well security programs regulated by HIPAA, SOX, PCI, FISMA (NIST 800-53) the IRS and FedRAMP.  
Mike is a frequent conference speaker and workshop presenter focusing on such topics as software security testing and security program management. 


Online Instructions:
Login: Connect via the Zoom link shown above. Participants will be placed in a waiting room until the event begins.

Pricing Information

Registration Price
All Registrants $0.00
