
Board Nomination

If you are keen to add value to and take on a leadership position with the Chapter Board of Directors, please refer to the ISACA Canberra Chapter Board Nomination Form. These are due by 11:45 pm (AEST) Sunday 30 July 2023 and we encourage you to chat to one of the past or current Directors if you have any questions about what it requires, the value to the chapter and the value to your own career.

We encourage members to join our webinars, participate in the discussions/Q&A and reach out to one of your Chapter Board members if you have ideas for interesting topics or speakers you would like to see.

Upcoming global webinars

Upcoming local webinars: see below

Archived webinars (40+ CPE available)

We will aim to post Australian and NZ webinars on this chapter site and when you join please include your contact information to ensure we can allocate your CPE credits.

We hope you and your families stay safe and well!

Upcoming Events