Certified AI Security Practitioner (CAISP) - Organized by Network IOntelligence

Starts:  Feb 20, 2024 06:00 (SG)
Ends:  Feb 21, 2024 10:00 (SG)
Associated with  Manila Chapter

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a pivotal force in fortifying defenses against an ever-expanding array of cyber threats. AI, with its capacity to analyze vast datasets, recognize patterns, and adapt to emerging risks, has revolutionized how organizations approach security.

AI in cybersecurity is important for several reasons, as it significantly enhances the ability to detect, prevent, and respond to cyber threats in today's complex and dynamic digital landscape. As cyber threats become more sophisticated, leveraging AI technologies becomes essential for maintaining robust and resilient cybersecurity postures.

The objectives of incorporating AI in cybersecurity are multifaceted, aiming to enhance the overall security posture of organizations by leveraging advanced technologies. Here are key objectives for using AI in cybersecurity:
• Improve the ability to detect both known and unknown cyber threats
• Establish early warning systems that can identify and alert security teams
• Enable automation of routine and repetitive tasks
• Implement behavioral analysis to identify deviations from normal user
• Continuously adapt security measures to evolving threats
• Minimize the number of false positive alerts to improve the efficiency
• Provide scalable solutions that can handle the increasing volume and complexity of cyber       threats,
• Utilize AI to analyze historical data and predict potential future threats.


ISACA Member: USD150.00

Regular: USD200.00


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