Risk Management and the Economy: A Scenario for the Next Two Years

When:  May 3, 2023 from 11:30 to 12:30 (CT)
Associated with  Memphis Chapter

If only we could predict what the economy is going to do in the short- or medium-term. While we are not prognosticators, we can look at possible alternative futures and evaluate strategic and tactical options that provide us with flexibility and drive success no matter what the economy does. Risk management is evolving and has been for two decades. Visibility is moving up the management stack, with boards and CxOs asking questions that never would have occurred to them only a few years ago: • How does cybersecurity impact our business operations? • How should we manage all the different risks we face? • What should we be doing to enable risk management disciplines and risk-based decisions making? • Where should risk management roll up to? • Who owns ecosystem risk, which covers all facets of risk? It’s never that simple – while the constraints posed by the economy and the risk management landscape are independent, they may interfere or amplify each other, and we need to assess possible implications regarding both. In this thought-provoking session, we will evaluate four alternative futures, identify symptoms and suggest strategic responses and courses of action to help you come out the other side bigger, better, and faster.
Speaker: Jeffrey Wheaten


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