Timeline for the Quantum Computing Cryptographic Apocalypse

When:  Jan 17, 2023 from 12:00 to 13:00 (ET)
Associated with  New Jersey Chapter
People have been saying the quantum threat to cryptography is 10 years away for, well, about a decade now. While it might not be possible to give an exact date for doomsday, we feel we can get a lot closer than a rolling one. In this session we examine the latest advances in research and engineering, the projected roadmaps of vendors, and the wildcard technologies like interconnect that may accelerate the entire journey. Spoiler: we may no longer have a decade. Join us for an educated guess on how soon blockchain will be threatened, and how soon after RSA will fall. Is it already too late for some types of industries to prepare?   


Online Instructions:
Url: http://cvent.me/y8lZ3l
Login: Link to the Zoom meeting will be sent to registrants prior to the event date.
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