Zero Trust - A Safe Choice

When:  Sep 14, 2023 from 08:00 to 17:00 (ET)
Associated with  New Jersey Chapter

This is a hybrid event - you can attend virtually or on site.

A gold standard for cybersecurity has been elusive. Until now. Zero Trust developments have been fueled by the simple observation that fortifying networks does not protect data. Vendors, standards bodies, and regulators started to study this problem and independently came to the same conclusion. What began a decade ago as a conceptual model is now is a widely accepted methodology for minimizing uncertainty in enforcing accurate, least privilege, per-request access decisions in information systems and services based on verified account-level identity.

Join Jennifer L. Bayuk, Ph.D., a cybersecurity due diligence expert, as she covers the following topics:

  • Evolution of ZT computer security architecture and engineering.
  • Zero Trust component relationships and access policies.
  • Zero Trust Algorithm design and implementation.
  • Zero Trust Industry Standards and Regulatory Landscape.
  • ISACA Publications related to Zero Trust.
  • Examples and exercises in Zero Trust modeling.
  • Auditing Zero Trust. 




Attend virtually - OR - on site at
10 Woodbridge Center Drive
Woodbridge, NJ 07095
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