Uncovering Cybersecurity Talent in a Minefield of Outdated Practices

When:  Mar 29, 2022 from 12:00 to 13:00 (MT)
Associated with  New Mexico Chapter
Next lunch and learn:

Uncovering Cybersecurity Talent in a Minefield of Outdated Practices

Speaker: Tim Waibel, Security Consultant

Date: Tuesday, March 29, 2022
12:00 AM-1:00 PM

CPE: One hour
FREE to members!

Abstract: Hiring practices in cybersecurity evolve around digital resumes, video interviews, and expensive recruiting eyes globally and yet, we are all missing the bar. This high-level webinar explores the common viewpoints and practices of both cybersecurity organizations seeking the next-level guru vs the common candidate experience.

Key talking points:
• Cybersecurity hiring processes and how organizations assess talent differently
• Candidate experience and how the recruiting process sabotages qualified people
• Resume comparison & review
• Why discussions are superior to a list of questions
• Improving the current course in our industry

About our speaker: Tim Waibel is a Principal Consultant with Trellix (Formerly McAfee/Intel), an American global computer security software company. He is a retired Law Enforcement Officer where he served as Detective on the drug task force, conducting both computer and cyber forensics investigations. He is a US Government cleared information technology executive with over 20 years in the field across IT and information security and has provided consulting work in many sectors to include: government, banking, energy, education, and healthcare performing penetration testing, GRC, risk management, DFIR analysis, and the sharing of this experience through training and mentorship within the community, including as an adjunct instructor and speaker. Tim graduated from Carnegie Mellon University / Heinz College Executive Education’s CISO – Chief Information Security Officer program, and holds additional certifications to include; CISM, CISA, CDPSE, CEH Master, CCSK, and others. During his off time, he enjoys traveling, physical fitness, and home improvement projects.


Online Instructions:
Url: http://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAuc-2vrz0pHtBKIHZi7UlideEsriCy9ytX
Login: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. You will also have the option of saving the information to a calendar app. The confirmation email contains your unique and personalized link to the meeting. Please save it to enter the lobby just prior to the meeting. If your plans for March 29 should change, we kindly ask that you cancel your registration.


Gayle Shipp
