Security Awareness Programs Based on Human Behavior

When:  Oct 27, 2020 from 12:30 to 13:30 (PT)
Associated with  Portland, Oregon Chapter
Security awareness for rule makers and risk takers.

About this Event

Cybersecurity solutions and products are evolving rapidly in an effort to keep up with an ever-changing risk landscape and the latest and greatest in cybersecurity threats. However, one of the areas where companies fail to evolve as rapidly is their cybersecurity awareness programs, where internal threats are often the hardest to anticipate. No matter where one lands on the spectrum of awareness, or even caring, cybersecurity awareness is everyone's responsibility. Communicating with your employees in a manner that effectively engages and connects is critical in developing the right security posture. Come listen to Dr. James Norrie, a Ph.D professor and expert on connecting the behavior patterns of individuals with security awareness programs that improve results. Dr. Norrie will speak on the context of behavioral analysis patterns of rule makers, rule breakers, and risk takers and how effective security awareness programs can be tailored to ensure companies address the most difficult and often overlooked risk, their employees.

Speaker Bio

Dr. James Norrie is a professor at York College of Pennsylvania and the founder of cyberconIQ Inc. Dr. Norrie has developed a proprietary, standardized profile test based on the patterns and behaviors of individuals useful in establishing an individual cybersecurity risk profile. Using the results from these tests, companies can tailor cybersecurity awareness programs to the weakest link in the risk chain: the individual.

As a noted expert, Dr. Norrie frequently speaks, writes, and consults globally about improving cyber situational awareness and other high-impact practices can reduce organizational risk. Adding a gamification element in establishing patterns of learning as discussed in this presentation, will help companies continue to adapt to the changing cybersecurity risk landscape and turn employee education into a cybersecurity a team sport.

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Kim Schmid