ISACA Tucson AGM 2021- Adversary Detection Pipelines

When:  Jul 28, 2021 from 17:00 to 19:00 (MT)
Associated with  Tucson Chapter
Please join us for an evening of Cyber Threat Intelligence Talk, and get to know your local chapter a bit more! This will be a webinar.

  • Events the past year summarized.
  • Future Events & Initiatives.
  • Tucson Chapter Dues
  • Expectations moving forward?
  • Q & A

5:30 PM
  • Speaker: Xena Olsen
  • Topic: "Adversary Detection Pipelines: Finally making your threat intel useful"
Security teams often feel like they’re in a losing battle with threat intel. They don’t know how to make threat intel useful or operationalize it within their organizations, especially if there isn’t a dedicated full-time team. In this talk, we’ll help you extract more value out of your threat intel program, giving you an easy win to level up not just your team, but the other teams in your security department. First, we’ll explore why true attribution is so hard, from false flag operations and proxy attackers to obtaining all the forensic data you would need and even possible coordination with law enforcement or government agencies to perform true attribution. We’ll discuss TTPs and how they’re a lower-cost way of tracking threat activity groups for most organizations. Then we’ll introduce Adversary Detection Pipelines, how they can add value through prioritizing defensive and offensive activities as well as a discussion on the practical implementation of them in any organization. Finally, we’ll conclude by looking at case studies of how purple teams can leverage Adversary Detection Pipelines to enhance their operations and encourage an intelligence driven security program.

Xena Olsen has 15 years of consulting experience guiding clients through challenging topics related to marketing campaign strategy, electronic medical record (EMR) implementation, startup development and launch, Agile project management for software development, international business partnerships, multimillion-dollar real estate deals, and real estate lifecycle management. She is a graduate of the SANS 2017 Women’s Academy, a Senior Lead at DEF CON’s Blue Team Village, holds an MBA in IT Management, and is currently studying for a D.Sc. Cybersecurity at Marymount University. She is a National Science Foundation SaTC (Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace) Participant for 2020-2021 where she is learning to teach the next generation of the cybersecurity workforce. She has proven competency across eight functional areas of information security, as demonstrated through the following GIAC certifications: GSEC, GCIH, GCFE, GMON, GDAT, GPEN, GCTI, and GXPN.

Xena is a recognized leader and known public speaker with expertise in cyber threat intelligence, purple teaming, and business strategy. She has spoken at BlackHat Asia, Department of Defense, United Nations World Food Programme, ShmooCon, Derbycon, RSA Conference, SANS Summits, Ekoparty, Confidence Conference, and more. She is actively involved in the community by serving on CFP Advisory Boards for various conferences, such as CyberThreat, SANS CTI Summit, SANS Purple Team Summit, SCYTHE’s Purple Team Summit, DEF CON Blue Team Village, CactusCon, and CircleCityCon. As the founder of the Women in Information Security Study Group, Xena empowers others to succeed by forming strategic partnerships and arranging curated content for underrepresented minorities in the information security industry. She is also a member of Infragard Chicago, Yara Exchange, FuzzySnugglyDuck, and other vetted Cyber Threat Intel Sharing Groups.

Thank you!
Sean Thomas
ISACA Tucson Chapter President



Online Instructions:
Login: Please register for the event at the following address. 1 CPE will be provided to all that attend within 2 weeks of the event.