Logging and Monitoring in AWS (Improving Cloud Security)

When:  Feb 24, 2023 from 11:45 to 13:00 (MT)
Associated with  Edmonton Chapter

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides services that help you protect your data, accounts, and workloads from unauthorized access.

In this presentation, Swati Priya, Associate Security Consultant at AWS, will share insights about the various logging and monitoring services utilized in AWS to improve cloud security. The importance of services like Cloud Trail, VPC Flow Logs, CloudWatch Logs, and additional built-in detective controls will be discussed. This presentation will also highlight how these services are deployed within a control tower environment and how it streamlines the process of monitoring the entire AWS environment through a common account. Additionally, the deployment of these services within a Control Tower will be demonstrated

About the Presenter

Swati Priya is an Associate Security Assurance Consultant at Amazon Web Services.She has over 7 years of experience in the IT audit & Cyber Security space. She graduated from SUNY, Buffalo, NY with an MBA in Information Assurance & Consulting in 2015. Following this, she worked at Big 4s like Deloitte & Touche LLP & PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and joined AWS in 2020. She is CISA certified & has 2 AWS certifications : Solutions Architect & Security Specialty. She is also an AWS certified speaker and aspires to grow in the Security & Privacy space.

Meeting Agenda

  • 11:45 am - Check-in and virtual networking
  • 11:55 am - Welcome and Housekeeping
  • 12:05 pm - Presentations with Q & A
  • 12:50 pm - Wrap up
  • 12:55 pm - Meeting Adjourned


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