March Meeting - SAFETY ALERT - Meeting Cancelled

When:  Mar 12, 2020 from 11:30 to 15:00 (CST)
Associated with  Greater Kansas City Chapter
Dear Registered Guests,

The Greater Kansas City Chapter of ISACA Board has determined that due to risk of exposure to COVID 19, we will cancel today's meeting.
As more information has been shared in the last 24 hours, we believe we must take measures to protect our members, our guests, and the staff of the venue.

Next steps : 
1. Registration fees will be refunded by the end of the day. (Full Refunds)
2. We are working with our speaker to potentially offer a webinar of the same presentation in the coming weeks. We will provide new registration information once we have that available.

Future offerings (training and chapter meetings) are under risk review. Be sure to visit for information.
Be safe. 
ISACA Greater Kansas City Chapter Board
Donna Gomez, President


Lidia's Kansas City
101 W 22nd Street
Kansas City, MO 66204