Madhuri Bhatt has been working at Crowe LLP since 2021. Prior to coming to the Crowe LLP., has worked in the financial service industry for over 10+ years in various management roles related to the bank operations, business development, compliance and internal audit. Currently working with the banks/ Annuity clients range from $5 Million and over. Mrs. Bhatt's client service focuses on GLBA, SOX, FDICIA, ITGC, Cyber Assessment, Risk Management, and Technology Consulting related areas. Recently, she was part of the BCM team as a contractor, and had a chance to develop not only the policies, procedures, and quality assurance checkpoint, but also, had a chance to conduct BIAs and BCPs with all business units, participate in planned DR drills and tabletop exercises. Ms. Bhatt had an opportunity to experience the full lifecycle of BCM and methodology. Madhuri has worked with the Audit issue validation team. Her background is not limited to the USA banks, with roots go to banking in India as well.
Ms. Bhatt is a Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) and Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA).