Ransomware, it's a sellers market

When:  May 31, 2021 from 12:00 to 13:00 (AWST)
Associated with  Perth Chapter

Details on the PDS


Ransomware, it's a sellers market


Jason Smart
Cybersecurity and Digital Trust Director
PwC Australia

About Jason Smart...
Jason is a Director within PwC’s Cybersecurity and Digital Trust practice where he leads the threat intelligence services. Prior to working at PwC AU, he ran the threat intelligence function at PwC UK, as well as working on incident response engagements across Europe and the America’s. He previously worked for endpoint detection company Crowdstrike and before that the Australian Signals Directorate. 

In this presentation he will go into detail on the anatomy of human operated ransomware, explaining the various operating models they have, from RaaS/Affiliate schemes, to specific actor owned and operated campaigns. He will also step through the various ways threat actors have monetised their operations and show how the business model has evolved over time. Lastly he will cover some of the recent high profile ransomware attacks and what they mean for the future of ransomware operators. 


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