

Hello Perth!


The ISACA Perth Chapter is proud to present our Professional Development Sessions for 2024. These sessions provide the opportunity for attendees to hear from leaders on a range of digital trust topics, including information systems audit, risk, and governance, along with information security management and cyber best practice, and more.


The following events are currently planned, with details to follow:


23 February – Online Professional Development Session – Industrial Cybersecurity: Securing Critical Infrastructure Assets, Pak Ho Chan and Julien Legrand


27 March – Online Professional Development Session – Cancelled due to illness. To be rescheduled.


30 April – Online Professional Development Session - Inside the Zero Trust Exchange with Louis Fourie


19 June – Online Professional Development Session - PCI Council and global payment security with Yew Kuann Cheng


31 July – IN PERSON Professional Development Session - Story Telling for Risk Managers and IT Auditors with Sameera Bandara


21 August – Online Professional Development Session


18 September – Online Professional Development Session


16 October – Online Professional Development Session

1 November – SecureIT Conference: Digital Identities (In Person)


29 November – End of Year Function and NEW AGM (In Person)




Please contact us with any queries or concerns via events@isaca-perth.org.au

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