November PDS: How AI will solve Application Security

When:  Nov 22, 2023 from 12:00 to 13:00 (AWST)
Associated with  Perth Chapter

How AI will solve Application Security

Online with Stefan Streichsbier, CTO and Co-Founder, GuardRails

Noise and alert fatigue are a huge problem in security teams. Dealing with false positives often takes longer than resolving real vulnerabilities, and it costs companies a lot of time and resources. Learn how harnessing the latest AI technologies will 10x your teams and allow them to move faster and safer by correctly detecting existing and new vulnerabilities, getting auto-generated code to fix them, and moving towards zero false positives.

Speaker Profile

Stefan is the CTO and Co-founder of GuardRails. He began his career in Security Assurance in 2003 and has since performed intrusive security testing across hundreds of corporate networks and business-critical applications. Afterward, Stefan has been focused on secure application development for web and mobile applications, using his skills as both a developer and security expert to champion Source Code Analysis and Secure Application Coding best practice.

Pricing Information

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All Registrants $0.00