Name of the Company

Name of the President(s) or Owner(s)

Services Provided

Location(s) where services can be provided

Services offered in-person, remote or both

Company's website

Esgist Consulting Services Limary Lopez,

Risk Management: IT, Operational, Financial, others

IT Compliance: ITGCs, COBIT, SOX, GLBA, ISO, NIST, others

Puerto Rico Both Esgist Consulting Services

RSM Puerto Rico Doris Barroso, Managing Partner

IT Audit: ITGCs, COBIT, SOX, GLBA, ISO, NIST, others, IT Compliance: ITGCs, COBIT, SOX, GLBA, ISO, NIST, others, IT Security: Penetration Tests, Vulnerability Scans, others, IT Governance: CIO Loaned Staff, IT Strategic Plans, IT Assurance: SOC Reports, Attestation Reports, AML/OFAC Technical Validation and Audits, Risk Management: IT, Operational, Financial, others

San Juan, PR Both