Educating for a Career in Cybersecurity & Raising Cybersecurity

When:  Oct 17, 2018 from 08:30 to 11:30 (ET)
Associated with  Rhode Island Chapter
On the occasion of the 15th annual National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) – a far-reaching awareness campaign and education initiative led by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security – the Pell Center is partnering with Anomali, Tech Collective, and Tevora to offer a half-day conference on the growing market for cybersecurity jobs and the need to build a culture of cybersecurity across organizations.

The event will shine a spotlight on the critical need to build a strong, cyber-secure workforce, address the cybersecurity skills gap, and encourage every workplace to create a culture of cybersecurity from the boardroom to the server room. We'll highlight how a well-trained and cyber-aware workforce can become the first (and best) line of defense for organizations of all sizes and in all sectors, and help them better protect themselves, their employees, and their customers against the most common cyber threats and mitigate, respond to, and recover from cyber incidents. We will also discuss careers in cybersecurity and ways to motivate young students, veterans, and individuals who are looking for a new career or re-entering the workforce to learn more about the field and seek highly fulfilling, well-paying and rewarding cybersecurity jobs.

Keynote Speaker:
Susan Peediyakkal - Cyber Threat Intelligence Program Lead Consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton

Panel Members:
O'Shea Bowens – CEO and Founder, Null Hat Security
Joe Provost – Computer Scientist & Professor, Salve Regina University
Linn Freedman – Principal, Robinson & Cole 
Rick Norberg – CEO, Vertikal6 
Clayton Riness – Managing Director Threat Services, Tevora 
Francesca Spidalieri – Senior Fellow for Cyber Leadership, Pell Center, Salve Regina University

Registration information:
This is an invitation-only event so participants must be confirmed in advance. Please RSVP by Tuesday, October 16 through the Pell Center's Eventbrite page or click the register button.



Pell Center
518 Bellevue Avenue
Newport, RI 02840