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This seminar is intended to provide an auditor base level knowledge required to perform a pre & audit of the deployment of systems. This seminar is structured based on the two most common development methodologies used in the industry; Agile and Waterfall. This seminar is designed for IT, Integrated and Operation Auditors at all levels.
Seminar Outline:
I. Introduction
• Understanding the various types of system deployments
• Traditional approaches to performing pre & post Implementation audits
• Understanding and defining the scope of the pre & post implementation audits
• Introduction to the Agile and Waterfall development methodologies
II. Performing an implementation and assessment of the Development Methodology
• Understanding the components of the Agile & Waterfall methodology
• How to determine whether the development methodology meets the organizational requirements
• How to design a "scalable" Waterfall methodology
• Understanding the inherent issues with the Agile methodology
• Understanding how to integrate the development methodology with Change Management
• How to structure an SDLC Audit in order to provide the necessary coverage needed when not performing a pre-implementation review
III. Conducting the Pre-Implementation Audit
• Conducting the Integrated Audit to support the pre-implementation audit
• How to conduct an audit of the Agile & Waterfall key project deliverables
• Identifying high risk system migration project strategies
• Audit Report design alternatives and issuance approaches
• Effective management approaches for the pre-implementation audit
IV. Conducting the Post-Implementation Audit
• Effective management approaches for the post-implementation audit
• Alternative approaches based on the pre-implementation approaches used
• Audit Report design approaches
V. Case Studies
One case study will be presented during this seminar which will provide the attendee the understanding of how to assess deliverables produced as part of the pre-implementation.
Audit Program: An audit program will be distributed as part of the session materials.
CPE: 8
Instructor Details:
Mitchell Levine is the founder of Audit Serve, Inc. which is an IT Audit & Systems consulting company. For the last 28 years at Audit Serve, Levine has split his time between traditional IT & Integrated Audit consulting projects, Restructuring IT Departments, PCI Implementations, and performing pre & post-implementation reviews of system migrations. Levine spends 220+ days per year consulting which is the basis for the material which is included in the seminars.
Levine has developed Waterfall Development Methodologies for three companies and has performed over 25 system migration reviews for companies which utilize both Waterfall and Agile development methodology over the past 8 years.
Over the past seven Levine has presented over 85 seminars to twenty different ISACA & IIA chapters. Levine also was the primary writer and editor of Audit Vision which is published bi-monthly and has a subscription base of over 3,500 audit & security professionals. Prior to establishing Audit Serve, Inc. in 1990, Levine was an IT Audit Manager at Citicorp where his duties included managing a team of IT Auditors who were responsible for auditing 25+ service bureaus and the corporate financial systems.
Registration Fee Before 9/7/2019:
ISACA Member: $100 / Non-Member: $125 / Students: $25 (must present current student ID)
Continental Breakfast and Lunch Included
Registration Fee After 9/7/2019:
ISACA Member: $125 / Non-Member: $150 / Students: $50 (must present current student ID)
Continental Breakfast and Lunch Included