In-Person: Topic 1: A Shift left in the SDLC, Topic 2: Secure data destruction for EOL (2 CPEs)

When:  May 16, 2024 from 17:30 to 20:30 (PT)
Associated with  Silicon Valley Chapter

Topic 1: A mathe-magical shift left in the SDLC with formal methods

Brief: With the existing methodologies of SAST, DAST and Fuzzing it’s not possible to ensure all undefined behaviors (particularly buffer overflows) are found and fixed before business drivers push code to be released. Zero day eradication w formal methods for mathematical proof your code will run as intended.

Speakers Bio:

Michael specializes in Global cybersecurity Startup sales leadership with multiple startups under his belt (2 IPOs, 5 acquisitions). He has over 15 years of cybersecurity sales experience globally - crushing sales quotas in the most challenging and competitive environments. He is based in Silicon Valley and will be your gateway to driving revenue in the U.S. and globally. He maintains Executive-level contacts in the Fortune 500 as well as MSP and MSSP partners throughout the Americas as well as EMEA and APAC. He builds and trains sales teams from the ground up in both the U.S. and Japan. He is fluent in the Japanese language with high competency in reading and writing for business email correspondence, raised in Tokyo with over fifteen years of experience and extensive travel throughout Asia. Jason Landers is a Sales Engineer who has topped the charts by revenue globally for the past 4 years running at TrustinSoft. He has managed and closed multiple 8 figure opportunities during his career. He comes with Technical sales and product management expertise and a consistent record of exceptional customer experience while fostering long-term relationships with customers, partners, and colleagues.

Topic 2: How to secure data destruction for end of life equipment

Brief: There are two ways to properly destroy data on hard drives and media: physical destruction (shredding) or logical destruction (wiping). This presentation illustrates the methods and discusses the costs, practicalities, advantages and disadvantages of each process.

Speaker Bio: 

Although in the garbage and recycling business for over 30 years, in 1998 Mr. Wood started recycling computers in his garage. In two weeks, he needed a much bigger garage. In 2007, he sold, the largest e waste company in South Florida and created in Los Angeles. Recyclecology’s clients were other computer recycling companies and in 2017, he created AllPrinterRecycling to handle truckloads of printers from multiple US locations. AllPrinterRecycling manages large volumes of printers for e waste recyclers from three locations in the US. Using a proprietary software system to track and report the origin and destination of every asset we touch. We passed our R2v3 audit in 2022 and plan to certify each additional location to the standard.


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Santa Clara, CA 95054